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2025 TYPT references


2025 第十七屆TYPT參考文獻*


 1. Invent Yourself: Paper Boomerang      1-1. (Basic) Wikipedia: Boomerang, Euler angles, Euler rotation
 1-2. (Basic) Why do boomerangs come back?
 1-3. (Basic)(最完整)Flight dynamics of boomerangs
 1-4. (Basic) Straight boomerang of balsa wood and its physics
 1-5. (Advanced)Theory of Dynamic Interactions: The Flight of the Boomerang II
 2. Air Muscle   2-1. (Basic) A Review on the Development of Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuators: Force Model and Application
 2-2. (Basic) A Survey on Applications of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
 3. Lato Lato        3-1. (Basic) The dynamics of Lato Lato ball collisions(動量守恆的碰撞公式)
 3-2. (Basic) Determine g using Lato Lato
 3-3. (Basic) Demonstration of conservation of momentum using Lato Lato 2.0
 3-4. Two-ball Newton’s cradle
 3-5. Newton’s Cradle with Two Balls
 3-6. (Advanced) Force-versus-time curves during collisions between two identical steel balls
 3-7. (Advanced) Playing lato–lato is difficult and this is why
 4. Climbing Magnets      4-1. 老師對#4的研究重點提示
 4-2.(Basic) Stick–slip phenomenon
 4-3.(Basic) A historical review on dry friction and stick-slip phenomena
 4-4.(Advanced) Friction-induced vibration, chatter, squeal, and chaos Part II: Dynamics and Modeling
 4-5 (Advanced) Friction-induced vibration, chatter, squeal, and chaos Part I: Mechanics of contact and friction
 5. Dancing Slinky     5-1.(Basic) The kinematics and static equilibria of a Slinky 
 5-2.(Basic) Oscillations of a suspended slinky
 5-3. (Basic)Wikipedia: Torsion spring/ Torsion/ Slinky
 5-4. Lagrange’s method applied to a Slinky
 5-5. A universal relationship between spring constant and torsion constant
6. Dripping Faucet    6-1. (Basic) The dripping faucet revisited
 6-2. (Basic) Behavior of the dripping faucet over a wide range of the flow rate
 6-3. Chaotic Rhythms of a Dripping Faucet: A simple drop detector transforms the computer into a temporal microscope, revealing a variety of rhythms in the common leaky tap. 
 6-4. Wikipedia: Chaos theory
 6-5. Dripping faucet. 
 6-6. Asymmetrical dripping
 6-7. Hydrodynamical models for the chaotic dripping faucet
 6-8. Return map for the chaotic dripping faucet. 
 6-9. (Advanced) Simulation of a dripping faucet
7. Ruler Cannon  7-1. (Basic) A Simplified Dynamic Model for Constant-Force Compression Spring
 7-2. Basic concept 1
 7-3. Mechanical Properties 
 7-4. (Advanced) Physics of solids under strong compression
9. Magnetic Assist  9-1. (Basic) Wikipedia: Neodymium magnet
 9-2. (Basic) Wikipedia: Force between magnets
 9-3. (Basic) Chaos in the Magnetic Pendulum
 9-4. The magnetic pendulum
 9-5. An Analytic Solution for the Force Between Two Magnetic Dipoles
11. Spring Hysteresis  11-1.(Basic) Hysteresis in a simple V-shaped spring-mass system
 11-2.(Basic) Perfect and imperfect pitchfork bifurcations in a V-shaped spring-mass system: Comment on “Hysteresis in a simple V-shaped spring-mass system”
 11-3. (Basic) Spring-Mass Hysteresis simulation
 11-4. (Advanced) Bifurcation, stability, and critical slowing down in a simple mass–spring system
13. Spaghetti Accelerator        13-1. (Basic) PASTA PUZZLE
 13-2. (Basic) Linear spaghetti
 13-3. The dynamics of linear spaghetti structures — how one thing just leads to another
 13-4. Controlling fracture cascades through twisting and quenching
 13-5. (Advanced) Dynamic Buckling and Fragmentation in Brittle Rods
 13-6. (Advanced) Fragmentation of Rods by Cascading Cracks: Why Spaghetti Does Not Break in Half
 13-7. (Advanced) Supporting material of “Controlling fracture cascades through twisting and quenching”
14. Water Bottle Rocket   14-1. (Basic) Hydrodynamics of a Water Rocket
 14-2. (Basic) Analysis of a water-propelled rocket: A problem in honors physics
 14-3. (Basic) Analysis of a water-propelled rocket
15. Wailing Bowl      15-1. 老師對#15的研究重點提示
 15-2. (Basic) Wine glasses, bell modes, and Lord Rayleigh
 15-3. Video demonstration
 15-4. Why does water change the pitch of a singing wineglass the way it does?
 15-5. Vibrational modes of partly filled wine glasses



*註1:本資料目前包含第十七屆已收集到的 IYPT題目之收集文獻,若有任何可補足的資料,歡迎各位幫忙提供,以使資料更為完善。
